B.O.O.K.M.E. To Teach

“Listen, don't you hear them?!...It's our college students offering their service to teach.”

For College Students:

The "B.O.O.K.M.E. to Teach" program is a significant initiative by the B.O.O.K.M.E. Foundation designed to engage college students in the role of educators, sharing their academic expertise with younger students within the community. This program provides a platform for college students to contribute positively to their community by leveraging their knowledge and skills in a teaching capacity. It offers a fulfilling way to make a difference, allowing them to pass on valuable lessons and insights that foster educational growth and enthusiasm among students.

Participants in the "B.O.O.K.M.E. to Teach" program gain not only the satisfaction of giving back but also develop essential skills in teaching, public speaking, and community service. These experiences are invaluable additions to their resumes and personal growth, enhancing their future career prospects. The initiative serves as a bridge, connecting the energy and knowledge of college students with the educational needs of schools in NYC, creating a dynamic learning environment that benefits both the volunteers and their students.

For NYC Schools:

Are you an educator or member in the NYC school system seeking to enhance your students' learning experience?  Our “B.O.O.K.M.E. to Teach” initiative connects your scholars with enthusiastic college students, ready to read, share their knowledge and insights.  This collaboration not only enriches your scholars' educational journey but also integrates elements of college studies into their learning environment in a fun and engaging way.

Click Below and welcome the opportunity for college students to teach and inspire your scholars.
